Sunday 15 January 2012

8th Jan - Margs - Beaches, Shells

Today we ventured out to the coastal areas. Gracetown and Prevelly are beautiful and  very popular surfing beaches.   We did walks at both beaches, Gracetown a few surfies out there, this place was the scene of a terrible tragedy back in Sept, 1996 when 9 people died when a 2000 tonne sandstone cliff collapsed on them during a school surfing carnival, a couple of sites mark some moving memorials to the tragedy, 5 adults and 4 kids died.    Also a young guy, 31 taken by a shark here only 17 months ago.  We hope the future is brighter for this picturesque beach side town.
Part of memorial to lives lost in cliff collapse
Gracetown beach and township
Another more recent tragedy at Prevelly Beach and surrounding areas when 40 homes were destroyed in bush fires.   Very sobering and scary to visit this area, but all businesses are open and if it weren’t for the burnt out landscape and the destroyed homes, you would think life was normal, lots of people about on the beach and local cafes, great to see.
Looking a bit sad, so close to a lot of houses
Prevelly Beach, nice spot
Hamelin Bay was a treat, I heard this was where you go to see the stingrays, we didn’t really know what to expect, but when we got down to the beach, we could see the crowd up along the beach, so on closer inspection, we could see all the stingrays milling at the shoreline.   It was awesome to see several large stingrays, apparently they live here and feed off the pollops, small shells, worms etc., in by the shoreline.  I did put my hand to one, it was soft and a little slimey….    
Lurking in the shallows and a little eerie!

Hamelin Bay a beautiful spot, though a crappy day

Waving good-bye............
We had a look at Augusta, another little pretty seaside retreat, then onto the Bellview Shell Museum near Witchcliffe.  OMG!!  40,000 shells in this private collection so far and they are still collecting.  Peter is the collector and Kath is the duster, poor Kath what a job.   They have built an extension onto their home to display the collection and it is amazing.  Kath is a bit of a character also.   I thought that Peter would be well travelled collecting from all over the world, but no, he has only personally collected in WA and purchases shells overseas by mail order!    Well worth a visit for anyone travelling through.

How many shells in this photo??? There's a prize!

Part of one of the rooms filled with shells, a great collection

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