Thursday 5 January 2012

1st to 5th January 2012 - Off to Bunbury

Well after much merriment and celebrations NYE, we had a very quiet day, especially my Darl who was a little wounded.    We veged out and had a nice dinner with Alana and Ian as we are sadly parting ways tomorrow.    Packed up trailer on 2nd and left at Waroona and we went to Mandurah for the night to catch up with Rusty, Kell and kids at their holiday house.   Another quiet night and we have decided to give the grog a break for a while, wonder how long we will last……

Beautiful mosaic entry to Yarloop township

 Back to Waroona to collect camper and mail.   Took a pic of the painted sofa, we have 4 now (Dwellingup, Harvey, Pinjarra and Waroona), apparently there is about 9 painted sofas and we are sucked in to finding them.   We drove to Bunbury via Yarloop where we found another sofa.  Yarloop a very cosy little country town with a big timber history.  Booked into the Discovery Park, right on the Bussellton Highway so it is a bit noisy with traffic and it’s pretty windy here too.  
Watch ya finger Darl!!

What the, where's the houses?  Well covers actually...

We are here until the car gets fixed and hopefully, all fingers crossed this is the last time we need to get it fixed.   Had the gear box done, but it is still not running right and we think now that maybe it wasn’t the gear box after all.    Anyway, I am having computer problems too, so call the friendly computer guy to come out and fix.  Apparently you have to get computers serviced every 6 mths, ah well it’s only been 3 years, so probably overdue for an overhaul.  A couple hours later all sweet and this should last till we get home  now.
Black Swans on Leschenault Inlet

Random, different entry to estate Bunbury

Who's a clever boy then, more like show off!!  I'm just jealous..he's been practicing a while
We had a beauty storm here Wednesday morning, it cleared in the arvo so we took the Suzi for a spin in search of another painted sofa.  Over to Astralind, via the Leschenault Inlet and past Astralind, Darl you have to go back otherwise we will be on the highway to Perth……  Called into info centre, after a phone call, that sofa is in Guppy Park, Bunbury off we went to Guppy Park no sofa, asked young fella passing if he knew, oh yeah that’s down in Victoria Park, no, no sofa there….By this time I was getting a bit over it.  Off to the tourist info  in Bunbury, it should be in Guppy park, went back again for a double take, NO it is not there.   Found out next morning it was vandalised and removed some time ago, well it killed the arvo anyway.   So we have to be happy with our 5, missed the ones at Kwinana, Rockingham, Mandurah, Bunbury.   Bring on the trees and the caves!  4 AFD's

Our first at Pinjarra

2nd Dwellingup

3rd Harvey

4th Waroona

5th Yarloop

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