Friday 27 January 2012

22nd Jan - Off to Wave Rock

It’s nearly been 4 months we have spent in WA, you could really spend a lot lot longer, but we have been almost 8  months on the road now and decide we need to get a wriggle on.   So today we cut for it up north towards Wave Rock, we plan to stay at Kulin for the night, home of the Tin Horse Highway.  It’s a hot day on the road, travelling through Stirling Ranges, Pingrup (not far from Ongerup and Jerramungup), Lake Grace.   We almost overheated the car taking pics of the Tin Horses so we bypassed Kulin and continued on to Kondinin to get the car cooled down.  It’s only another 40 odd k’s to Kalgarin so we continue on to Tressie’s Museum and Caravan park for the night, we are now only 17kms out from Wave Rock.
Dragon cloud followed us for most of the day......

The roadhouse with no fuel...only for emergencies

Start of the Tin Horse Highway, Kulin

Go the Poo!!

Russell Crowe eat your heart out!
Never mind the pigs, guess what horses can fly!!
What a great little spot and the best private collection museum we have seen, everything in the museum has been restored to mint condition and everything works.  Even the 1905 barrel gramaphone with 4 different size horns for volume control, amazing.  The owner, Merv has music nights out in the barby shelter where he brings out one of the gramophones and his selection of 4000 odd songs for guests to request.   Now that would be a great night, but Merv and his missus (retired wheat farmers)are away and we are one of two camps in for the night, then again it only takes two for a party.  Caretakers Gloria and Les great couple, recommend we stay at Karalee Free camp en route to Kalgoorlie.

View from Tressie's
A small section of the collection
The 1905 Grammy, just gets bigger and better from here....

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