Thursday 19 January 2012

13th Jan - To Pemberton

Turned out to be a great stop over at Jarrah Park, could’ve stayed another night or two here but we decide to move on as we have a booking and we would really like to get out of WA by the end of January though we are not sure if this is going to happen just yet.  The drive from Nannup through to Bridgetown is a pretty drive, through the rolling hills, tree lined roads.   We stopped a while in Bridgetown to visit the museum and Jigsaw Gallery (a private collection donated, smallest jigsaw in the world on display, 99 pieces, 2 inches square - true!) and have a wander down to the bridge.  Bridgetown is in the heart of Blackwood River Valley, a nice little country town.  Blackwood River is the longest river in the South West, most popular for canoeing and marron, trout and other fishing.
It's the Punch and Judy show

The jigsaw gallery more like an art gallery

Now that's a wheelbarrow, give it your best shot Darl!!
We head down to Pemberton, through Manjimup – didn’t stop as we will do a day trip back to this area.   Manjimup has timber arches spanning the road at both entrances, symbolising the gateway to the southern forests.   Pemberton is a small township, 920 population.  The timber mill starting operating in 1913 to supply and cut half a million Karri sleepers for the Trans-Australian railway line.  Many of the sleepers also used for the first stage of development of the London Underground and many other railway lines in the UK.   Nowadays, Pemberton is a popular holiday destination and believe it or not, they actually grow more grapes here than they do in the Margaret River and also grow the most avocados in Australia.
Yep, we found our way to the Pemby pub

Now that's a big strong girl!!
We book into the park, a lovely spot by a little brook.   We are finding out about Marron and Truffles.   Well Darl tried to tell me at Toodyay about truffle hunting, I thought he must have had one too many drinks, cause truffles are chocolates, right??   Well that is right but truffles also are a rare delicacy, an edible black fungi that grows underground.  We are going to check out The Wine and Truffle co. while we are here for more info.  Also, Marron, what is this Marron fishing, we have found out is a fresh water like lobster.  It is Marron season now and most of the campers in the park are down from Perth for the Marron season.  One guy was kind enough to give us a try and it was very morish.
One main street, town centre Pemby

A baby fresh water Marron, Marg River - they grow to 90cms

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