Friday 27 January 2012

21st Jan - Day at Albany

We’re off to Albany to the Farmers Markets and a look around.  When we got there we find that it is all happening today.  One of the churches, St Johns also has a fete on, with a little café set up in the church hall.   We were busy taking photos, when approached by a lady asked if we were tourists (do we look that obvious) and if we wanted to be in a parade, it is Proclamation Day 185 years, Albany the first town in WA to be settled.  We didn’t fancy being in the parade but thought we would stick around to watch.  Farmers markets a great little market, lots to try from chutneys, veggies/fruit, live crabs, icecream etc.
Calling home, no one answering!

Anchors ahoy!

Random tea towel collection at St Johns.....our mums will like it!

Here comes the parade
The ute even features.......

The cannon blast, one of 4 - brig Amity in the background
It was pretty damn hot today, we had to take shelter from a storm at one of the pubs in town, as you do, The Premier built 1891.  Wasn’t much of a storm, turned out, so we headed up to the ANZAC Light Horse monument on Mount Clarence and out to Emu Point.  They have a monument there for Sam the Seal, loved by all for many years, but betrayed by one who killed him only a few years ago, great spot for swimming, parks etc.  We headed out to Torndirrup National Park to The Gap and Natural Bridge, then headed back to Denmark as the weather was pretty dodgy still.
Amazing attention to detail on this monument

Striking against the skyline, shame it is a hazy day

7 magpies making b-line for the ute, reminds me of a movie but I think it was called Crow

Emu Point, the cruise we have heard is pretty good outing

The Gap!  Apparently dislodged from Antartica some 45 million years ago

Natural Bridge, awesome - Darl behaved today

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