Sunday 1 January 2012

31st Dec - New Year's Eve!!

It’s a double whammy today, it is also Alana’s birthday so we started the day with a scrumptious Champagne Brekky (Sparkling Wine Brekky just doesn’t have the same ring to it now does it) out at Waroona Weir which only a couple k’s from our camp. After a couple of storms last night, turned out a beautiful fine day and not so hot, perfect. We gorged ourselves on fruit platter and yoghurt followed by bacon, snags, eggs, toast and quite a few glasses of sparkles. Alana’s hubby Ian, did a great job putting brekky on for all to enjoy.

The girls posing on the roller
Great spot for barbies and swimming
Before we knew it, it was midday, so it was back to camp for a relaxing afternoon, then we readied ourselves for the night’s celebrations, a continuance for Alana’s birthday and then topping the night off seeing in the New Year. We enjoyed dinner at the Drakesbrook Tavern, followed by birthday cake, white chocolate mud cake and then it was time to party! Theme of the night was Beach Party with band Leather and Lace. Very entertaining duo, got the crowd going and a great night was had by all!! Great group of people, no trouble, all just out to enjoy.....and the presence of two paddy wagons and 4 cops loitering in the car park didn't put anyone off the celebrations.
Alana's birthday dinner

A shocker, but we were in party mode

Bubbles goooone!!

The girls sparkling!!!

The bubbly, bubbles, whistles, poppers, sparkles all done and dusted for another year!!
                    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!

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