Monday 16 January 2012

10th Jan - Vege out day and Wineries

Spent the morning veging out, then went for a leisurely cruise around the neighborhood. First stop was the Berry Farm, I was expecting some nice fresh berries, but no, they had a great range of conserves, jams, condiments, sauces etc., AND berry wines, ports and liqueurs.   The first place we have seen with a sign, due to responsible service of alcohol, they only allow 6 tastings per person, what the??  I didn’t want to seem like a glutton so I only had 5 and they were yummy, very fruity and drinkable.  Stella Bella winery the next we visited, not far from where we are staying. 
Stella Bella - 2 down

Swallows Welcome winery was fantastic, Tim and Pat are both artists, Tim is the wine maker and this is the smallest winery in Margaret River.    They have a Chapel of the Flowers, which displays Pat’s exquisite works of over 500 SW WA region wildflowers.  Tim also dabbles in music, what a great couple, very friendly and welcoming.  We had a look at Pat’s studio, she has written books and also illustrated quite a few.  They built the chapel, cellar door and house themselves all out of mud bricks.  They host weddings and concerts in the chapel and around their gardens.  
Inside the Chapel of Flowers, Pat's artworks

Lots of good times had here

Tim's artworks in his cellar door, all based on events - this series the process of the winemaking

Pat recommended if we wanted to visit an Estate go to Voyager, which we did.   This was the other end of the scale, a large property with manicured lawns, gardens and rose beds.  The owner, we later found out was the ex partner to Lang Hancock and apparently has that much money he doesn’t know what to do with it.   And he is a non drinker!!  The winery is just a tax dodge, refurbishes every year……poor man!!   The afternoon seemed to fly and we ended the day with cleansing ale at the tavern in town.

Voyager Rose Garden
The biggest Aussie flag we have seen

Me amongst the vines again....

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