Friday 20 January 2012

19th Jan - Walpole

We had a cruisey morning, Darl cleaned car and I updated blog.   We exchanged trip notes with Alana and Ian as they’ve been where we are going and vice versa.  By this time it was the afternoon, we had a quick bite to eat for lunch then went for a little explore around Walpole to find a spot for a swim.   Sandy Beach was too windy, Mandalay Beach was too rough but was beautiful.  Alana and I ventured down onto the beach and were amazed to find a Hooded Plover nesting ON the beach, we could not believe it.  It had 4 poles around to mark the site and was nested in the middle, there was a warning sign not to approach, how could this small bird be nesting on such a windy beach, they also must know how far the tide comes in, I don’t imagine they would move nests with the tide height each day?
Dangerous to swim but spectacular to look at

Another view

Here's the little hooded plover, one game bird

Big dunes here too, the boys are up there somewhere
By the time we got to Coalmine Beach it was too cold….Never mind, we ended up back at camp (via a look at a bush sawpit) around happy  hour time so enjoyed a few quiet drinks, another barby (Ian cooked – I love nights off cooking) and ended the night with a Peach Schnapps and a couple of snaps.
A great couple days spent at Walpole.

A log seat at the saw pit site, girls takin' a load off

A view from the banks of Rest Point where we are camped

Chin, chin! That schnapps was nice......

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