Thursday 19 January 2012

15th Jan - Exploring Pemberton

We plan a cruisey day today.   A bit of a drive and look around and a visit to a country pub for a free lunch and a bit of music.  Lovely……  We took off via the tourist info centre, my goodness what a pair in there, couldn’t work out if one of the ladies was a lady or a bloke lady…… A bit rough around the edges, but friendly enough in the end.  Off we set to the Big Brook Dam, great little spot for a swim, canoe or walk around.
That's Darl in for foreground, the trees that big, can't fit them in

We debated on doing the Karri Forest Explorer Drive, it’s pretty cool as you tune into FM station 100.0 and it gives a commentary on the spot that you are at.  Well that’s if you have a good radio, ours was a bit crackly.  We went into the Warren River Cedar, a boardwalk looking into the forest of Cedar woods, there’s some unique frogs here too.  We missed the Big Karri, not sure how big it was, but they grow up to 90 metres, the tallest tree in WA and one of the tallest in the world.
This is a Motorbike Frog, not sure how they come at the name, could be a green Kawasaki 750 Mach 4

We cruised through part of the Explorer Drive, missed a turn and ended up going through some farming country, avocados, grapes, veggies….  At Beedelup National Park we opt not to pay the $11 day entry fee, we only there for a 10-15  minutes to have a look at the waterfall….not much water falling.    There is a 50 minute walk to the Walk Through Tree, and my Darl is keen to do it, even though I said I am a bit over walking in the heat of the day I agreed to do it, it’s about 12.30pm.   It was a nice leafy path UP a hill, I saw a snake cross the path – from then on the snake radar was out.  We made it to the tree, sweaty and puffed (that’s me).  Then I slipped down the hill on our descent, a bit of bark off the knee, I need a drink!
Man made walk through tree....
Off to the pub at Quinnilup, about ½ hour from Pemby – we saw an advert at the local bottle shop, band on Saturday night and band on Sunday arvo and free roast beef roll and chips for lunch on Sunday, that sounds like a plan.  A quaint little country pub, we rolled up, with a hunger and thirst – guess what, no free lunch and no band on today…  What the!  Well the band wasn’t on last night, so just as well we were buggered and didn’t come over like we thought about doing.  The band cancelled for Sunday arvo and the cook didn’t turn up, so the best they could do, was a toasted ham and cheese and we hit the friendly bar maid, Abby up for  a free drink for the effort we made, as we were the only patrons and she kindly obliged, well if you don’t ask you don’t get…… that was a wrap for today, oh yeah we fed our local resident ducks when we got home….and I put my Darl under pressure to cook dinner tonight, yep it’s tin soup!!

Quinninup Pub, nice friendly staff
We had up to 22 duckies around the camp..
Dingo Creek - Wild Dog Red, a nice drop

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