Monday 30 January 2012

27th Jan - The Morning After

My Darl not too bright and cheery this morning, but we have to get up early go do the first two holes of the Nullarbor Links golf course at Kalgoorlie course.   I managed to drag him out of bed at 6am, we only just made it to the course for 7am tee off.  We’re playing a par 4 and a par 5 here.  I haven’t played for 6 years and Darl has only ever played one game of golf in his life…. We won’t be mentioning the scores just yet, I’m sure we will improve over the next few holes.  The Nullarbor Links golf course is the longest golf course in the world, 1365 kms long, we are looking forward to a bit of “hit and giggle”.
The 1st of 18 holes across the Nullarbor, watch where the ball goes Ling!

I like ya style Darl!!
Seeing how my Darl is not so flash today and he spends the rest of the day horizontal, I take myself off to the Brothel tour.    It is at the Questa Casa, the oldest working brothel in Australia.  There were 10 of us on the tour, we were met by the madame - Carmel, no working gals in sight, though she only has two left working there now (was 11), I guess that’s why she is doing the tours for a bit of extra cash!   Now Carmel is  not quite what I expected for a brothel madame, though very well spoken, dressed in t-shirt, cotton pants and sandshoes and she looks like she has had quite a bit of facework done and I reckon she is wearing a wig too..........She has a colorful story to tell how she started working here some 20 years ago, what the conditions were like.  I’m sure she only hit the tip of the ice berg with a few stories of goings on over her time but they bought tears of laughter and sometimes gasps of pain to us curious visitors. 

The oldest working brothel in Australia

You guessed it, the bondage room, poor Bundy Bear!

Nowadays there is only 2 working brothels in Hay Street, one just closed in November and is now a B&B establishment – that’s Bed and Breakfast.   The de regulation of prostitution some 11 years ago started the Hay Street demise, the town was inundated with sex workers, working privately or from Hotels in town, gone are the strict rules and regulations prior to that time.   And gone is the buzz of Hay Street, 13 brothels with ‘Starting Stall” windows out front, it was a street of bright lights, scantily clad gals showing off their wares and vying for the attentions of the blokes wanting to get their rocks off!  SORRY mum it’s true.
The opposition next door, red says it all doesn't it

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