Friday 27 January 2012

20th Jan - Walpole to Denmark

We’re off to see some giants today…..  a whole valley of them actually.  We’re doing the Valley of the Giants tourist drive which takes us through some an amazing forest of Karri, Red and Yellow Tingles, Marri and Karri Oak trees.  We’re doing the Giant Tree Top Walk and visiting the Ancient Empire and Wilderness Discovery Centre.  All in all not bad value for $12.50 pp.   We did the walk twice – 600 metres long and up to 40 metres above ground.  
The walkway, pretty sturdy but still gets a rock up

Looking down on the trees instead of up

At the 40 metre pinnacle

Grandma Tingle, some 400yrs old

Hey diddle diddle, I'm in the middle
When we left we continued on our way through rolling hills, farming district to meet the highway at Bow Bridge.    Then we took the Ficifolia scenic drive to Peaceful Bay – another nice little spot, back along Ficifolia road – oops another horrendous dirt road, reminded us of the Cape but I wasn’t saying a word and my Darl was swearing, we were heading for Conspicuous Beach/Cliffs – we missed that turn off, double oops, and back to the bitumen heaven, the highway to Denmark.
Peaceful Bay
On the way to Denmark we ducked down William Bay Road to Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks.   Both magic little spots and unlike the rough coastal waters we have seen in last few days, these spots are popular and great little swimming beaches.   Lots of people about enjoying the perfect weather.  Greens Pool is rated one of WA’s most idyllic beaches is a sheltered natural emerald green lagoon formed by granite rocks extending 100 metres out to sea from here along to Madfish Bay.    At Elephant Rocks the huge granite boulders nestling by the waters edge framed by lush green hills, limestone headlands, towering trees are an artists dream….
Greens Pool

Another shot of Greens Pool
Elephant Rocks

Elephant rocks
From here we drove the Scotsdale scenic drive into Denmark where we booked into Rivermouth caravan park for a couple of nights, here to explore the area up to Albany. After booking in we went out to take a look at Ocean Beach and a couple of look out points.    The beach is stunning and at the river mouth a lot of people float in with the tide which flows in at a rate I might add.  Back along Lights Road to Monkey Rock lookout, but it looked like it was closed, then back to the Denmark pub for a happy  hour drink.  We had a late lunch so got one fish and chips take away for tea which was a great feed for both of us and at $10.95 a bargain FNC dinner with salad and all the trimmings…
Water crystal clear

Black Hole

Breathe in!!

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