Monday 16 January 2012

12th Jan - Moving on to Pemberton via free camp

We didn’t get away till about 11, rang Pemberton after 8 to see if we could book in, as we have heard some places are still booked out, with school holidays etc.  No worries we got in for 3 nights so today we will do a free camp between Nannup and Bridgetown.  We stopped for lunch at Nannup, a nice little country town, a couple of nice craft, gift shops – starting to see some wood work, there is a saw mill here.
One for dad, not bad hey?
We got a little disorientated when we left and missed the turn off to Bridgetown, so we did a uey and back tracked to get on the right road.   Only 23 kms to the camp site, Darl flew past it, another uey – at the entrance the usual signs and it looks like a tent with a cross through it which means no camping, but the cross is white not red like it usually is… we are a little confused cause this camp, Jarrah Park,  is showing in the Camps 6 book.  Anyway, we venture down the dirt track to the picnic area, have a look around, it has a dunny – bonus! some tables, barbies (but there is a total fire ban) only a small place, no one else around, we decide to give it a go, the worse that could happen the ranger comes and says we have to move on.  It is nice and peaceful, just us and the cicada’s and a few birds.  A tree branch fell down, only a small one close to our camp.   This is us!!

As dark fell I had some nervous thoughts of people going missing in forests, but I slapped myself back to reality and had a reasonably good night sleep, a lot of dreaming though…..and after all I had my Darl here to protect me and my bottle of red!!   Some nice bush walks to do here.

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