Friday 27 January 2012

23rd Jan - Wave Rock to Karalee

Since leaving the south coast, heading inland again, the weather is getting pretty warm up in the mid to high 30’s, we hear Perth is having a heat wave 40+.   While we were having brekky in the camp kitchen, we were admiring the view when we thought we noticed the trailer rolling backwards….. we did!!   We did see the trailer rolling, we bolted outside only to watch the trailer roll and thankfully come to rest on a pole and there it stayed.  This place is really immaculate they even fold the toilet paper back, just like in the motels, they also have a fully equipped kitchen, very impressive. We take off for a walk around and over Wave Rock then to Hippo’s Yawn and Mulka’s cave.   Takes a good couple of hours, we head back through Hyden and take some pics of the museum before leaving Tressie’s. 
Yep Darl even tried to ride it!

The catchment wall on top of Wave Rock for the dam

Now that's a hippo's yawn.......
Mulka's cave, will tell you about the legend later...
This is what salinity does to the landscape, a real big problem over here
We travelled up from Hyden over to Narembeen, where we had lunch, via Merredin – we didn’t stop there, by the time we got to Southern Cross about 4pm we had to call in to the Palace pub to cool down.   We got chatting to Brett on his way back to Perth from Leonora where he is a road train driver, rolled one last year, yep he is one lucky dude.  After an hour or so, we had cooled down and set off to Karalee Rocks free camp, a great little spot with historical significance, part of the Golden Pipeline Heritage Trail in the Yellowdine Nature Reserve.  
Another great little camp spot..
The dam at Karalee Rocks
We arrived a little later than usual to set up, so tea was late, we were sitting by the (romantic) light of the lamp, chowing down, when I saw something move in the shadows on the ground, on closer inspection we discovered a Scorpion!!  So glad we are not sleeping on the ground tonight.   We tracked it for a little while, it seemed to wander off into the darkness…but what a mean looking little creature!
Nasty looking little critter!!

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