Friday 20 January 2012

16th Jan - Pemby to Fernbrook Falls

Time to move on, but before we go we decide to give the timber mill tour a go at Pemby.  An hour mill tour $10 each, just one of those things we gotta do, me being in this industry and all and my Darl never seeing a timber mill in action.     Tarin, the local girl from the café does the tour, the logs are much bigger than those we work with back home.  I think Darl enjoyed checking it out, it is awesome how those machines handle such huge logs.   You gotta wonder how on earth they ever did it manually way back when. 
An older mill with old equipment, trucks

Positioning the huge logs for cutting with circular saw

First steam train used to cart logs to mill
Got out of Pemby, via Northcliffe – the guy at the tourist info talked us into taking the drive down to Windy Harbour and D’Entrecasteaux (if you can say that you are better than us) Scenic Drive along the coast through the National Paark.   It was well worth the diversion we did all the look outs available and of course my Darl did his usual climb to the limits.  
The eagle eye ball

Hard working horses, deserve a pat

The highlight of D’Entrecasteaux

Darl tells me later he had to jump a crevass, next time I will definitely take the car keys off him

A beautiful flower along the track.....if I had my flower book I'd tell you what it was
We were heading to the Shannon National Park camp ground, but when we got there it was $29 to stay for the night, we opted not to stay and moved on to the next camp ground, Fernbrook falls – we still have to pay but $14 is more reasonable.   I was keen to try out one of the 2 camp huts, looked very comfy, 4 solid walls, a fire place and a couple of bunks, table for the same cost…. But no couldn’t talk my Darl into it, so we set up camp, a very comfy camp I might add for the night

Yep ground too hard for pegs again

Our bush camp kitchen, Darl hard at it

Darl prepped, I cooked and we both hoed in!

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