Monday 5 September 2011

23rd August - Tennant Ck to Devils Marbles

We're looking forward to getting the car fixed today, the parts arriving at lunch time and the mechanic is set to fit them at 2pm.We get a surprise visit from our friends from Townsville, Denise and Cyril, they are on their way back home after spending a couple months travelling to the red centre.  They give us a lot of good tips about West McDonnell ranges and the Mereenie loop (153kms dirt) from McDonnell ranges to Kings Canyon.

 Car all fixed and we are on our merry way again, Janiece is still hanging with us, so off we set to our next destination Devil's Marbles (100kms away). Nice short trip! When we arrive at the marbles we notice some grass fires looking to be awfully close to the camp area, anyway we go in and set up, that there fire over there on the ridge ain't going to reck our stay! So it was photos of the fire, sunset, fire, sunset......

                                                                                                                                                                                    A fire ranger arrived to advise all the campers not to camp for the night as if there was a change in the wind it could turn quite dangerous. A few stubborn campers, yes including us, decide to stay - it was some relief to know that there was going to be 2 fire rangers camping with us overnight. So we had a quick dinner and proceeded to watch the fire, the milky way, the fire, the milky way!  Darl put on his best fire watching hat, stopped drinking and went to bed fully clothed, boots n' all ready for any emergency.   I went to bed and fell into my usual deep sleep.  We woke in the morning to find the fire had burnt out. There are two sorts of fire in NT, controlled burn off and arson, this particular fire was

My Darl tries to work out if he is in heaven or in trouble with two women in tow........
I'd say he is in trouble, we tend to gang up on him, poor Darl.

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