Wednesday 21 September 2011

20th Sept - Katherine Gorge

We decide to drive out to Katherine Gorge (Nitmuluk Gorge) also in the Nitmuluk National Park.  If you feeling energetic and a few days to kill you can actually walk from here over to Edith Falls.  We were debating whether to do a walk or a canoe paddle up the gorges.  Not feeling like doing anything physical in this heat, I persuaded Darl we should take a boat cruise, which incorporated a small amount of walking and a swim, 4 hrs in total $77pp.  This is the only sighting of freshwater crocs today, a baby
sunning itself.   We thought mum should be close by but she wasn't.  The gorges are pretty spectacular.  In 1998 Katherine was hit by a flood, the water level went up 12 metres here in the gorges (13 in total) sending a 4 metre wall of water through the township. 

This pic taken looking into the 2nd gorge, apparently this is the photo which appears on all the souvenirs, coolers, teatowels, adds etc.
There was some rock art back at the 1st gorge, this pic taken of the silicone drips (sounds like something medical), these redirect the water away from the rockart, in order to preserve it.

After enjoying a relaxing, cool cruise on the water the guide Robby points out the lookout.  Well we have to do that now don't we.   It is a very steep climb up to the top but the view is worth it.  I had to stop halfway for a little breather.
Me and Darl on the edge!  The lookout a bit further up and we wave to tourists on the next cruise departing.   We also wave to the helicopter going over, don't know if they waved back.  After our little excursion we head into town to have a coldie at one of the pubs.   We go into the Stuart Hotel Motel and order a couple drinks, not long after the locals vacated.  Darl asked barman if we scared his clientele away, nah the bottle shop opens at 2 o'clock, they off to get their supplies.

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