Wednesday 21 September 2011

16th Sept - Darwin to Kakadu

It's Friday and today is the first day that the infamous Darwin humidity hits us, big time. We sweat our little ringos off packing up.   Marie drives out a short distance with us stopping off at Corroboree Park Inn for a quick refreshment and to have a look at this guy.   They have two crocs caged up there, a freshie and this big guy Brutus the saltie.   There is something evil in his eyes and that crooked smile..... looks placid enough but we not game to put a finger through the fence.  Sign up saying under video surveilance, no feeding the crocs or stirring them up in any way!
On to the Bark Hut Inn for another quick refreshment, we couldn't help ourselves have a little play on the old buffalo hunting jeep. I got him Darl, I got him Darl!!    I'm sure the other tourists were looking at us sideways, ah well a bit of fun.   We have a sanga with Marie before we part company and she heads on back to Darwin.  We will definitely be back to Darwin in the future for a longer stay.

Check this quirky headline in the local Darwin newspaper, Marie says it's more like a tabloid, I think she could be right.  The smaller writing says, Croc Pigs out at the Hog's Death Cafe.  Gotta give it to them for imagination.  We head off on our merry little way into Kakadu World Heritage Park.   The cost for a park pass $25 pp.  We were fortunate that our young neighbours back in Darwin gave us their passes which last until 23/09. 
Rangers do check that you have your pass and that the correct name shows on the pass, otherwise penalties are incurred.    We take a chance.    We decide to pull up camp at Merl Campground near Ubirr and the Border Store next to Cahill Crossing.   The camps are spacious, just the way we like them and the amenities are clean and working.   The young ranger comes around to collect camp fees $10 pp.  He is here for the season, his parents running the border store.   He advises that there is 17 species of mosquito at this camp spot, goodo!
We settle in and take a short drive and stroll to Ubirr, right on the border of Arnhem land for sunset.    It truly is a beautiful sight, but my Darl still doesn't like me taking too many sunset photos.     Along the way we stop for a gander at the rock art, it is amazing and so is the iron bark timber hand rails surrounding the artworks.  My Darl is very impresssed with this.
Here we are with Arnhem Land behind us, we decide to bite the bullet and do a tour over there tomorrow.    Later in the evening we attend a ranger talk on Kakadu environment, seasons etc.  Very interesting.  This is Binninj / Mungguy country - they recognise up to 6 seasons in Kakadu.  Monsoon Season Jan/Feb/Mar, Knock 'em down storm season Apr/May, Cooler but still humid season May/June, Cold Weather season Jul/Aug, Hot dry weather season, Aug/Sept, Pre monsoon season, Oct-Dec or thereabouts.  They are Gudjewg, Banggerreng, Yegge, Wurrgeng, Gurrung, Gunumeleng.

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