Tuesday 6 September 2011

6th September - Hello Hello

Hi to all our family and friends reading our blog, we hope you enjoy the updates and the photos of our journey so far, we are certainly enjoying this beautiful country and our wonderful experiences.   We have sent out quite a number of blog invites, we know several people are already reading the blog, however please don't be afraid to say hello via a comment to the blog, or send us a quick text or email, we would love to hear back from you all from time to time.    We are also on Skype, so let us know if you want our skype address and we can have some face to face convos....... Take care and speed safely!


  1. Mel and Heather, just done another print out for G & A. Will drop off this arvo before they go to the coast. Heather, can't you get the bloody stories in order???!!! See ya Raymondo

  2. Hey Heather, I agree. Would help to get them in order especially when they are printed out. They are all arse about. Had to do a scissors and sticky tape job on the first lot to get them in the right order. All sorted now though. Figured I have to print out each day separately and not all at once. Think Mum and Dad are enjoying the read. They don't say much. Looking forward to the next instalment.
    Lyn and Ray
