Tuesday 13 September 2011

12th Sept - Darwin! The Big Smoke

Last night at Florence Falls we cook a camp oven stew on a fire, the first this trip (have cooked in camp oven on the primus).  My Darl mentions this morning that there is a sign up for a total fire ban on Saturday 10th Sept.  No open fires only fires allowed for cooking in fire places at camp grounds, luckily it was the 11th as we had a little camp fire after dinner that night. 
On our way out of Litchfield we stop off for a look at the magnetic termite mounds.  These mounds are unique as they all face north with a flat surface facing south.   This is all very clever as they are built for temperature control.

The landscape changes from here to Darwin, lots of Palm trees along the road side, like a bit of a tropical outback setting.   We must be getting close to civilisation as the traffic is getting thicker and the roads are getting wider, closer to Darwin we hit a 4 lane highway!    This place is bigger than we expected.   We found the tourism centre in town to set us on the track for Shady Glen van park (recommended by Garry and Cathy) and got some bits on Kakadu.  We then went in search of battery world to sort the deep cell out.
A bit of ignorance on our part, we assumed that the battery was self maintaining, just like the car batteries, wrong!  Apparently you do have to maintain them and keep the water levels up!  Oops, guess the trip to the Cape and the nine days straight on solar/battery has taken its toll.  Anyway we invest in a new 120 watt deep cell (ours only 80 watt), keep the old for a back up.  Booked into Shady Glen, I asked for the shadiest, grassy site they had...getting a bit over, dirt, dust and rocks.     My darl does some maintenance on the trailer, possum borne, turned grease monkey!

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