Tuesday 13 September 2011

7th Sept - Off to Darwin

We plan to put in a few k's today, it's a bit of a haul to Darwin (some 1600kms or thereabouts).  The Stuart Highway north is dotted with numerous stations/roadhouses and a couple of towns, Tennant Creek and Katherine.  We plan to get past the 3 Ways roadhouse today, into new territory.  We've heard from other travellers about Barrow Creek and figure we just gotta stop there and check it our for ourselves......  We jump out the car and greeted by a pile of rubbish outside the servo, I mean about a dozen big green bags worth, nice! 
We don't let that deter us and venture into the bar, for a coldie.    The barman was a character, he had left SA 3 years ago heading for Darwin and got as far as Barrow Creek.  We can see some good times had in this bar and a lot of talk re Falconio goes on here.... a couple of theories, but the guy they got for it is now locked up in Alice.   We stopped to fuel up at Tennant Creek and I bought a copy of Little Boy Lost, (for Cathy, met at Kings Canyon).  Adele Leibelt's son perished in the desert after getting lost back in 1993, she signed the book for Cathy and kissed it as she handed over.

It's a great read and touches on a lot of history out here in NT, different significant events that can be related to.   The above photo taken from the lookout at Banka Banka Station.   The managers have only been here since June, they were going to shut this place down, however have decided to revamp and get back up and running, the camping for travellers and the station to be re stocked with cattle.    Here's a new idea for a fire place.  Reckon this is a good one for my brother, Graham's old rattly diesel ute!

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