Tuesday 6 September 2011

2nd September - King's Canyon to Yulara

This morning while we are having breakfast and packing up, quite a few of those dingoes are roaming through the camp, just like they own the joint and not fazed at all by our presence.  This girl walked right past the back of our trailer and of course I didn't have the camera handy.  She stuck her head in this truck's back but must'nt have found anything worth sampling....
 We can proudly say we have travelled the full length of Red Centre Way from McDonnell ranges to Lasseter Highway.   We should make a list of all the highways we have been on..

Some huge fires on the Lasseter Highway.  We find out later these fires have been burning for couple days, some travellers actually drove through when the fires were on the road side, both sides.    We've come close to some also only burning one side though.

Yup we are in camel country now!  That explains the large piles of poo on side of the Mereenie Loop road.  Of course horses don't poo that much!  NOW we really don't need to be running into one of these little suckers on the road either.  I have been on camel watch today and we have seen 1 live one and 3 dead ones.  Pic taken at Curtin Springs cattle station, it is a roadhouse and camping ground as well.   It is a modest property, some 1,026,000 + acres!  One of the owners was rushing out to check on the fires which are on their property and deliberately lit, they not happy Jan!....

Thar she blows, the big sucker, the numero uno! 
Doesn't look so daunting from back here does it.  This is at sunset, we were sitting with Garry and Cathy enjoying the view, when an elderly chap wandered through the crowd.   My Darl gave him a bit of cheek, saying he should go for a climb on rock and we take photo of him, he was a jovial chap.   Next followed a film crew through with camera and one of those big sucker microphones.  This is Bob Lasseter, they are doing a documentary as his grandfather Harold, who had perished trying to discover the gold reef out here somewhere.
We plan to meet Garry and Cathy in the morning with their other friends to do a group climb up the rock, this is a great idea as we can offer some moral and physical support along the way, and celebrate together at the end.....

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