Tuesday 23 August 2011

22nd August - Tennant Creek

Another day at Tennant Creek, it is not the best little town, most of the businesses here are barred up and houses have security bars/screens on all windows, doors.   The caravan park we are at is quite comfortable, good amenities, facilities.   We spent the morning chasing up the parts for the ute and a mechanic to do the job.  All sorted and parts should be here tomorrow.   To fill in some time we take a walk up to Battery Hill and tourism centre.    
Battery Hill is the old Gold Mine, closed down only in 2005, not that long ago. They used caustic acid to extract the gold from the granite, sounds a bit savage...
My Darl often calls me his little Sturt Desert Rose, yeah I know some of you might think that a bit strange or soppy or something, however at Battery hill we found a little Sturt Desert Rose, so now know what it looks like, pretty little thang!

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