Wednesday 21 September 2011

18th Sept - Ubirr to Mary River Roadhouse

We left Ubirr today to head down the Jabiru Highway.  Called into Jabiru township to top up fuel $50, we put in the jerry cans also to get us through to Katherine.  Fuel $1.70+ here.  We stopped off at Nourlangie where we come across this guy, Nabulwinjbulwinj (and if you can say that you are better than us).  He is a dangerous spirit who eats females after striking them with a yam.  We spend an hour or so here, there is quite a lot of rock art here and a couple of look outs.

We made the ascent up to this lookout.  They reckon in this hot humid weather when trekking to drink up to 4 litres of water a day. We know we are not doing that, but I reckon we are perspiring that amount in a day.   We continue on way down to Yellow waters.    We don't do the cruise, but take a pleasant walk along the boardwalk edging the billabongs.
We are surprised to see an array of birdlife, who needs to do the cruise, amongst which were these healthy looking magpie geese.   We also see golden ducks, herons, jacanas etc.   The walkway is about 2 foot above the ground, it has double bars along the bottom, we guess to keep the wild wild life out, crocs, pigs etc.  
So far in our travels, we have seen wild horses, camels, wedge tail eagles, dingoes, crocs, donKEES (Darl saw these on Jabiru highway while I was blobbing off).  We stop at the Mary River Roadhouse, 200metres south of the Kakadu entrance.   We peddled up to take this shot and on the way back we spot a couple wild pigs scurrying through the bush, destructive little things they are.   We spot a pile of dung and are excited at the prospect that there might be a buffalo near by, but they elude us again.... No wild emus either

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