Tuesday 13 September 2011

13th Sept - Darwin

We did a few chores this morning, washing etc., then headed off to town get a few supplies and have a look see around.   Went for a wander through the mall, looking for a pub nowhere to be found.  We had to ask someone where the pubs where, oh just one street over in Mitchell Street.  Yep we found 'em, had a couple coldies and raced back to the car before the meter ran out, didn't want to cop a parking fine.   We are trying to get used to this new rule up here, if you want a shopping bag you have to pay for it.  We got done again today, had to buy another bag.  Have plenty of bags now, just have to remember to take them with us when shopping.

A vege out afternoon, I updated blog, Darl did maintenance on the push bikes, his bike had another flat.   Check this guy out Fats Thommo.   He did a show at the park tonight, we were debating whether to go along or not, but made the effort and what a laugh.   He did the big O, blues brothers, here is the pink he is doing "I'm too sexy" (not), Bee Gees.  Very entertaining.   He even managed to get Darl up on stage, but I didn't have the camera then, bugger.   He and another guy did the drums and bell for the song Knock 3 times...

Here he is doing, you guessed it Rocky Horror.  They ran a raffle of 20 prizes but we had  no luck there.  That's all the show cost $5 worth of raffle tickets, went from 6.30 to 9pm.   Only trouble is we probably had too many drinks and no tea... ah well...........  Looking forward to doing some sight seeing tomorrow.

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