Monday 5 September 2011

25th August - Alice Springs

This is our chilliest morning yet and we get up early all eager to get into Budget Auto by 9am so the car can be fixed.  Janiece picks me up and we go exploring the mall and getting some stocks.  A couple hours later we get back to Darl AND it was the wrong part, no parts in Alice have to get one expressed overnight from Adelaide.    My Darl had put his little chicken legs through a work out, walking around Alice trying to source the right part but had no luck.     He even accepts a lift from the local coppers as they stopped to see if he was okay, he was looking a bit flustered and lost at this stage.

We book into the Stuart Van Park, Darl crashes as he is burnt out and exhausted and dehydrated.  3 x 600ml ice coffee he skolled probably didn't help either....  Janiece and I go to the night markets in the mall.   A small market some arts and craft, food stalls.    Another early night.

Desert Pea

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