Monday 5 September 2011

24th August Devils to Alice Springs

In the morning we take the opportunity to have a good walk around and have a bit of a climb and a photo shoot.    Yep that's my Darl at the top of them there marbles!    He later guides Janiece and I up to the top for a look around, fantastic view from up there.   We had a few dingoes wander through the camp site last nite, just like they own the place, they probably do. 

 Here's the view looking back down from the top to our camp site, we love these wide open spaces.  This camp had toilets no showers.
My Darl sometimes, lives in fantasy land, he thinks he is superman, but we all know better...
We set off to Alice, via a fuel stop at Ti-Tree, adjoining Australia's most central pub, we had to have a drink there especially after we pulled up and the car was making that horrible clunking noise again. Yes the universal 3rd joint had gone. We decide to drive into Alice sort a mechanic and camp at the Tropic of Capricorn free camp for the night. In the camps 6 book it said no toilets, I was a little concerned bout this.
Not that I wouldn't use a spade or anything, but the ground is pretty hard out here and we have been using rocks as pegs for the last few days.   We got a pleasant surprise when we arrived to find brand new spankers (toilets) proper seats 'n all.    Nothing like a bucket bath.   This was one of our chilliest nights.   A few drinks to warm the cockles and an early night.   Here we got talking to a couple over from St George been on the road for 8 years, working town to town.  They were going to Alice for the induction of her dad into the Transport Hall of Fame, special. 

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