Tuesday 13 September 2011

11th Sept - Litchfield National Park

We arrive at Florence Falls after Cutta Cutta caves and set up camp, there are a number of falls in Litchfield, we'll probably venture out and have a look see over the next day or so.  We have a dip in the falls plunge pool, well Darl has a swim and I have a sit.   Anyone that knows me knows that I ain't a flash swimmer, I can dog paddle and float but tend to panic when I can't touch the bottom, yep I need to be grounded.   We hearing from others that have done Wongi falls and a couple of the others that Florence though smaller is one of the nicer falls.  There is another

spot close by, Buley Rockhole so we tried to do the walk there, only about 1.6km however the track is closed due to maintenance and will only re open in December 2011.   We end up doing the Florence creek walk about 1 hour.  Along the way my Darl takes a drink, the water is fast flowing and crystal clear.   The camp ground has amenities - toilets and showers, bargain! 

We are loving the wide open spaces of the outback, great camp sites.  This is the first night we leave all the windows open as it is getting warmer, though by morning it cools off.  We are having some hiccups with our battery system, running the fridge.   Might have something to do with what looks like a slight leakage from the battery which we notice a few nights ago at Banka Banka.   We have been rapt so far with the Waeco, hasn't missed a beat, we'll get the battery sorted in Darwin.
Me not being the poser, but hey I will give it  go.  Yeah you're right it's not me.   This is taken on Florence Creek walk. 

Guess what, I spot the snake again.  Walking back from the swim hole, here is another golden tree snake, maybe this is the same one from Cutta Cutta and it's following us.
As we can't do the walk to Buley Rockhole we jump on the Suzi and go for a ride.  It's not far at all, a 5 minute ride.  This place is amazing a series of small waterfalls with big swim holes at the bottom of each one, a very popular place for travellers and locals.   Just imagine this place is summer it would be chockers.   There is a sign up saying if car park is full, waterholes are full, go away and come back later!   We don't bother about seeing the other falls as we have jagged the best yet again......
Back to camp for lunch and we find the shadiest spot beside the info board.   While there the ranges come by and spoke to my Darl.   Smart girl ranger says to Darl, suppose you have a pee behind the sign??  Maybe they have cameras in the trees out spotting at night times......Big brother watching 'n all even out here in the middle of bloody nowhere.    Note the drinks , on the rocks our little side tables.
Later that day we went for a dip at the falls.   As mentioned I am not the best swimmer so I take my little yellow kick board down, so I can float around (gotta get a noodle, they are trendier)!    My Darl coaxed me over to the bottom of the waterfall.    That was okay, however the gush of the falls coming down, creating a bit of head wind and I was kicking like crazy to get there, I ran out of puff and found nothing to hang on to.   I beat a hasty retreat with my Darl by my side ready and willing to save me if I started to sink!   Here we are afterwards still smiling!

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