Wednesday 21 September 2011

21st Sept - Katherine

A couple snaps of Springvale Homestead.  These are American Rain Trees, planted in 1879.  They have massive trunks which can support a canopy up to 30 metres or more.  At night the leaves close and condensed moisture drips, like rain when the leaves open again in the morning, hence the name Raintree.

The homestead was inundated with flood water up to the ceiling in the January 1998 floods.  Though the building was found to be structurally sound after inspection there was a lot of superficial damage to internal joinery, paintwork and plaster.  The place is teaming with guinea fowel, ducks, wallabies.
The grounds are beautiful here, it is a shame the amenities leave a lot to be desired, i.e. 3 of the 5 washing machines are out of order.   The homestead laundry next to the amenities is overflowing with bags of linen, everything really just needs a good clean.  They are winding down for the wet season, they will close and undergo maintenance etc. then, the place needs it.              We had a drink at the Katherine pub today, looks like the place to enjoy a drink or 3 but we had 1, they have water sprays on their fans in the beer garden, very cooling.

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