Tuesday 13 September 2011

10th Sept - Cutta Cutta Caves

We were sad to leave the donKEES!  behind, but we're off to Litchfield National Park today via Cutta Cutta Caves.   This is something new for us.  We jag it on arrival for the 10am tour $34 for us both, 1 hour tour.  We drag the chain a bit to the entrance as we like to take in the scenery and take a few pics as we go along, but the group was waiting for us before Ethan the tour guide proceeded.   These are limestone caves.  There is a colony of about 1000 bats in here, they are carnivorous. 
They do it well with foot lights along the path and then some suttle lighting to highlight the formations, in some areas there is only a couple metres between us and the ground above.  We weave our way through some tight spaces to the end.   We walked about 250 metres into the cave, but it continued through a smaller hole for another few hundred metres where all the bats hang out.  By the way does anyone know the difference between a bat and a flying fox??  They both stink to me...

At the end of the walk in, Ethan turned the lights out and it was pitch black, he went onto say that people who are subjected to dark places for long periods of time, lose their minds, get disorientated etc.  My Darl yelled out "Stop goosin me!"   No one owned up and it certainly wasn't me......Ethan turned the lights back on within a few minutes so we were all okay, I think.  

As we left the cave Ling's eagle eye caught sight of a small snake.  Ethan identified as a Golden tree snake and harmless.    During the tour he did say that a lot of more dangerous snakes and other predators hang out around the opening of the cave to try to catch a feed of the critters exiting and entering into the cave.   We continue on our cruise to Litchfield park.   After getting past the 3 ways we notice that we are now definitely in Road Train country.    Lots of trucks and also lots of Winnebagos towing small vehicles, bikes etc.

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