Tuesday 27 March 2012

22nd to 23rd March - Bonbeach

My Darl spent a day doing maintenance on the trailer bearings, battery etc and we spent our time hanging out and catching up with Belinda, Lucas while Oliver went to work.   We did go for a bit of a bike ride on Thursday arvo, have a look around down along Patterson River.   A lot of flash houses along here, one side is a canal estate, some huge cruisers and speed boats in there.   B cooked us a nice spag bol last night, my turn to cook tonight, so nice to have an oven to cook in, Apricot chicken, rice and veggies.
Packing up his tools, wheel bearing all greased up!!
Such a bloody show off!!
Modern day terrace housing, guess what they are actually 3 storys high, there is a levee bank
Units built on water - reminds me of Venus
The weather forecast was not too crash hot  next day, gales, rain, hail in some places.  Yep it did look pretty gloomy out there.   Call us mad or crazy, but we decided to take a push bike ride up to Mordialloc.   Yes we were crazy, it was freezing cold, gale winds though it was a nice ride along golf courses, pony club, reserves and wetlands, you wouldn’t think the city only 20 minutes away.   The head winds were a bit rough.
Little Lucas 9 mths, learns a new trick, pass the ball to mummy and daddy - after he sucks on it!!
We encounter a bit of debris on the bikeway - a strong head wind too!
Love the wooden craft in Mordialloc Creek, how black is that sky??
We got to the Bar/CafĂ© at Bridge Hotel (by the Mordialloc creek) for a nice warming hot chocolate, just got inside and it poured rain for about 10 minutes, how close was that.  Had a bit  more of a look around the shops here, a bite to eat, a drink back at the pub then set off for the journey home.   Winds not as bad as before, but still a bit chilly.    I commented on the number of golf courses in the area (there's 4 on the map) and Belinda said this area is known as the Sand Belt, ideal for golf courses.
Not too often you will see my Darl in a pub drinking hot chocolate!!
This boat called "Howie" decorated with skull and cross bones.....

Pompeii Bridge, the water level is higher than the walk/bike path
 It’s great to chat to some locals, giving us some ideas on what to see and do around Victoria.  Belinda and Oliver have done Wilsons Prom where we are heading, they did over a 4 day hike with a 20 kg back pack each, I don’t think we will be that adventurous but we are contemplating the walk to the lighthouse.  Look forward to having you guys come and stay with us in Brissy sometime in the near future….

See back to basics and Lucas is happy chewing on a wooden spoon!
B and Lukey - see you soon!!

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