Saturday 17 March 2012

13th March - Mt Lofty

We had a quiet morning, blog etc., then after lunch jumped on Suzi for a ride to Mt Lofty Summit.  Somewhere along the line, Darl took the wrong turn and we ended back on the free way going backwards.   Never mind it happens, we got there in the end.   It was a little disappointing as there had been an oil fire somewhere today and the view was somewhat hazy.   The city in the middle of this pic, is surrounded by park lands. 
The 710 metre Mount Lofty Summit is the highest point in the Adelaide Hills.  There are bush walking trails from the summmit through to the Cleland Wildlife Park.    Here is Flinders Column in honour of Matthew Flinders, commander of the Investigator, who from Kangaroo head, KI discovered and named Mt Lofty on 23/03/1802.

Piccadilly Valley to the east of Mt Lofty.  Great farming area, started out vegie crops in the 1800's, not great vine growing region.   Until in 1986 Petaluma wines released a sparkling chardonay which marked the revival of the wine industry in the Adelaide Hills.

A view on the fly from back of the Suzi, I'm getting a bit more confident now going through the hills back to Mt Barker, though I still get a little nervous at 45 degree angle.  
Lots of great little country villages around the hills.
As we missed the meals last nite we tried again tonight at Grays Inn.    Great chicken parma, chips and salad washed down with a couple of drinks.   Got chatting to the friendly barman, Darl reckon he was Scottish, but he was 50/50 Pom/Irish.  Moved out here 7 years ago and never looked back, reckons UK gone to the pack.
It was the end of the keg, a bit frothy but my Darl managed.

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