Sunday 25 March 2012

20th March - Great Ocean Road

We left our friends in Portland and continued on our way towards the Great Ocean Road.  We had a quick look around in Port Fairy, another nice little seaside village, then onto Warrnambool where we were going to get a noise checked out in the car, but the noise has gone, so we didn’t worry bout that.   This old galleon, Notorious Geelong, was moored at Port Fairy and was attracting a lot of attention, it looked quite eerie against the gloomy skies.

These flowers appear randomly along roadsides, first opportunity I have had to take photo at Port Fairy

Warrnambool - Historic village behind the Visitors Centre
Decided to keep going on to Peterborough, the start of the most scenic part of the Great Ocean Road.  Took some pics at Bay of Islands and Bay of Martyrs just before the town of Peterborough.   The weather is quite fine, windy and chilly – so we decided to continue on to the 12 Apostles via Port Campbell.    The scenery is amazing, millions of years of waves beating against the limestone cliffs has created a very unique coastline. 

Bay of Islands
Limeston Cliffs, Bay of Isles

We really enjoyed the stops to look at the Grotto, London Bridge, the Arch between Peterborough and Port Campbell – a few people about not too many.  It was a bit of shock when we got to Loch Ard Gorge, just before the 12 Apostles where we come across bus loads of tourists everywhere, a couple of helicopters buzzing around.  The Razorback was a highlight here.

Grotto from the top

Grotto from the bottom
You guessed it..... the Arch - we notice quite a fews hats lost over the sides of cliffs

London Bridge fell down in 1990, 2 trapped on point rescued by helicopter
Razorback, my favourite
Onto the 12 Apostles – the biggest car park, buses and people everywhere, we are so not used to these crowds.    There is an under road access from the car park out to the viewing platforms and boardwalk.    I’ve seen photos of the Apostles, it was a little disappointing as by this time of day the sun was behind the Apostles and did not make for taking any really great pics here.
The best of a few dodgy shots - still awesome
View to left of Apostles, limestone cliffs disappearing

We travelled on to Princetown to set up camp at the camping reserve there, it was blowing a gale by now but we got the tent up without too much hassle.   A camp beside the oval which is covered in roo poo.  We watch the roos come in at dusk and there is plenty.  
I can feel a Roo Stew coming on!!

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