Saturday 17 March 2012

14th March - To Kingston S.E.

We left Mt Barker headed for Murray Bridge, thinking we would check out the options for a Murray River cruise.  The only one available was a 2 hour cheese/wine cruise later in the day, so we decided to carry on as it was going to be a warm day with showers predicted.  We travelled down the coast road of the Limestone Coast district.  Not too much to see along the way really, a couple of little beach side towns - we had lunch at Meningie.

Lake Alexandrina from Meningie

A view into Encounter Bay / Lacepede Bay between Salt Creek and Kingston S.E.

We saw quite a few of those crazy push bike riders along this stretch of road.   I wanted to stop and take some pics at Policeman Point, but there wasn't too much between the Welcome To and Farewell signs, only an old garage which is now a private residence and a pub this is closed and up for sale......

We called it a day at Kingston S.E (South East) - apparently there is another Kingston up north.  Booked into the van park, cooled down a bit and decided to take a push bike ride down to the big lobster that greeted us on arrival to town.  Only thing was there was a storm looming, anyway we didn't let that deter us.   This is the historic Cape Jaffa Lighthouse, built 1868 to 1872 at Margaret Brock Reef, relocated here in 75/76.

Len Lampit Reserve, was probably famous for something but we weren't hanging around to search for other info boards as the storm was getting closer and we hadn't made the lobster yet.  Jetty in the background right.

Now this is a bloody big lobster, bigger than the one at Dongara-Denison and there won't be any climbing this one, well we probably could've tried but at this point it did start raining heavy rain drops.......
One quick last pic before we high tail it back to camp to take cover from the storm, this is Kingston Analemmatic Sundial and Sculpture Park.   This shot of the sundial, from what I could quickly work out you stand on the bit in the middle to determine the time, but we couldn't try it out cause there was nooooo sun.  Back at camp it did bucket down and thunder but not for long.  We had a nice night in the camp kitchen chatting..... and drinking with some young English and Swede travellers.  The Poms travelling in a wicked van said it had a strange smell about it, often wonder what they are like to travel in..........maybe not.

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