Saturday 17 March 2012

15th March - To Mt Gambier

This morning cleared up after the storm, the tent was dry, so we packed up and pushed off.   An old guy we got chatting to Kingston van park, told us that Beachport was a lovely spot for a stop, he had stayed a few days there, shame his wife passed away last year and he was doing a solo, as they had bought a van and planned a trip, so he was doing it anyway, good on him.   We had a look at Robe another little beach side town before getting to Beachport.    We took the scenic drive along the coast here and he was right it is a beautiful spot.

It was blowing a gale, but we decided to take a little walk over to Post Office Rock.    This is the bay on one side of the rock.

As usual my Darl went off to climb the highest peak.    He's pretty agile for an old fella. 
It was blowing that hard I had to shield my ear from getting sand blasted, don't mind the hair!!

A view at the point of Post Office Rock, not sure why they call it that......couldn't see any resemblance to a Post Office out here.
I had already climbed down, however my Darl (bless him) insisted that I climb back up for a photo.   I did try but got a bit stuck on this ledge and the wind near blew my top off!   Unlike my Darl's streak of the Pinnancles this was as close as I get to getting my gear off....  so you also get a good idea of the view of me getting down off that rock on Granite Island out from Victor Harbor.......ahhhh it's not that bad, lol

What's in there Darl?   Peering in the window of the little customs house at Beachport

Continuing on to Mount Gambier we are now getting into Forest country.    There are a couple of big saw mills there.   We got the tip to stay at showgrounds, the tourist info told us you have to be fully self contained.  Not believing this went to check out at the Mobil servo cross the road showgrounds where you pay, they do have facilities but limited spots and all booked out.   We book into Limestone Coast van park and a bonus, we have our own ensuite!!

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