Thursday 22 March 2012

18th March - Portland

We left Mt Gambier and headed to Portland where we will be catching up with Leonie and Des friends from back home.   We cross the border into Victoria, not much of a sign for a border sign.   Nice country, travelling through dairy farms and forests.   We see our first porcupine crossing the road and manage not to hit it.   50 metres down the road, a black footed wallaby.
One of the small towns we pass through is Nelson and we stop by the Glenelg River as we noticed these fishing huts with moorings on the river.  This is something different we haven't seen before.   Back in the 40's and 50's the Glenelg river banks was quite a social spot, with many picnics and watching events on the river such as canoe and rowing racing, high diving, beauty pageant and even boxing.  In 1954, a pontoon carrying the highland pipes and drum band sank before onlookers.   We assume no one was injured or died as there was no mention of this, would have created some excitement though I'm sure. 

We got to Portland and found a van park to book in to.  Called Leonie and told her where we were, they are lashing out and joining us, instead of finding a free camp to park up in.    We set up camp, found a nice sunny spot to take a load off and have a quiet drink, THEN in rocked the "Partymobile"!!    What a rig, a real home away from home.

It didn't take long for these guys to set, up - just reverse it up and connect the water and power, sweet.   This is a nice tree lined park, lots of trees and heaps of shade so we spent the afternoon chasing the sunny spots around, trying not to venture too far from camp and annoy other campers.

Now those that know Leonie, know she is a mad keen photographer.  Well she just had to upstage me with her tripod - when I bought mine out - she cracked up laughing, come on - that's not a tripod.... THAT'S a tripod!    And she was right, but mine does a good job AND it is much more compact and portable.....  I don't know where the afternoon went, but it just seemed to roll on into the night.    We moved into the warmth of the Winnie and drank some more, we did have some snacks...........but no tea.
Needless to say we ended up quite pickled and carried on one really knows.   It was a usual drinking session, lots of laughs were had, we sang, we danced - we hope we didn't annoy any of the neighbours.

Leonie has a lovely head of hair, it just about covered the table when she put her head down for a wee rest....... That would have been okay, but she kept getting back up a 2nd, 3rd and ???time.      And unbeknown to me, her and Killer ended up with some interesting photos.   My darl was the only one that behaved that night...  I can't wait till Leonie gets up to date on her blog, then again maybe I can.....

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