Tuesday 14 February 2012

8th-9th Haslam

We went via Smoky Bay to Haslam, a small little fishing village with a camp ground by the beach/jetty for travelers.   $5 a night, clean toilets, rain water – looks alright for a night.  It showered in morning, we decide to stay another nite, the day cleared and we pottered around.  Darl fixed his punctured tyre finally, it just hasn’t been the same since he lent his bike to Ash back in Broome.   All these little seaside villages have a jetty used for shipping  back in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s but now they remain as popular fishing spots.  Just us and a couple of old mates 1st night, next night there were 8 camps, one van and a few whizz bangs turned up.
Cosy camp at Haslam

Nice jetty to go fishing off.....
Part of the old railway used when it was a shipping port
We notice a mouse or two here, Darl got chatting to one of the local guys, he reckons the signs are showing for a mice plague and it will be state wide.   Now I don’t mind the odd  mouse or two but a plague, not quite sure how we would handle that.  The mice are getting more cunning over the years, instead of just digging holes they are digging holes and tunnels to avoid drowning.   Some years it is so bad the mice follow the farmers planting their seeds and eat them as quick as plant, the farmers had to put baits down first then plant the seed.   Apparently the crows don’t like eating them anymore, the cats are sick and tired of chasing them.   At the peak of the plague the mice attract a disease naturally that kills them off but that didn’t happen last year……..times they are a changin’.
Finally got around to fixing the tube!

Check the Post Office in Haslam, smallest we have seen in travels

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