Wednesday 1 February 2012

30th - 31st Jan - Esperance

Monday we didn’t get up to too much, updated the blog and bits and pieces  - went down town to tourist info, had a look at the historical village with different shops occupying them.   Had a couple drinks and lunch at the pub and then went to check out the museum.  An interesting point to note that back in 1979, America's first space station, Skylab broke up into pieces over the Southern Ocean on re entry to earth and headed inland over Esperance and beyond.  Those pieces recovered are on display in the museum.  We spent a good couple of hours there, great display of farming machinery, local art etc.
Historical Village

Pine trees line the esplanade, looking over to the port
Top jaw bone of a whale, BIG mouth, whale that is Darl.....
Tuesday, our last day in Esperance, we are hoping for a fine day, it took a little getting there but the day turned out perfect.  We headed up to Cape Le Grand national park, it was a long day out, but an awesome day.   Cape Le Grand runs along the coast and features amazing bays and wide white sandy beaches.  If you have several hours to kill, you can take a stroll from Le Grand Beach over to Rossiter Bay all up about 7-8 hours.  We were keen but simply don’t have time for this trek today, so we take a cruisy drive into all the beaches/bays – Le Grand Beach, Hellfire Bay, Thistle Cove, Lucky Bay and Rossiter Bay.   
Taking the ute for a hoon along Le Grand Beach, Darl! Wait for me..

Lots of different bushes, flowers out

Hellfire Beach, my favorite

Thistle Cove, Darl's favorite
Lucky Bay, bit of seaweed here

Rossiter Bay, a LOT of seaweed here
Oh yeah and in between we managed a 2 hour walk up Frenchman Peak – it was steep and unlike Ayers Rock, there was no chain to hang on to.   No Darl to hang on to either as he did his usual and skipped well ahead of me like a stroll in the park…. Bugger!   I must admit it was well worth the climb, magic views from up there.   It was blowing an absolute gale – we were at 262m above sea level.  The pick of the beaches here in Esperance for me is Twilight Bay on the Great Ocean Drive and Hellfire Bay today.  We got to Lucky Bay, there is camping here and also at Le Grand Beach.   6kms further to Rossiter Bay but it was over dirt corro road.   We did the drive but in our view not real worth it as the beach was smothered in seaweed.   On the way back we stopped off again at Hellfire Bay to take a walk on the squeaky white sand… all in all a great day out.

Here we go, Darl sets a cracking pace as usual

But I made it up there too, check the view and Darl! What's going on with the hair??
The wind was howling up through this cave

My Darl looking a little nervous on the descent

Love the waves at Hellfire
A glimpse of Stonehenge on way to Le Grand National Park

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, hope everything going well, just dropped another lot of print outs to George and Audrey but they are in Sydney (lady across the road bailed me up). Cheers Raymondo
