Friday 17 February 2012

12th - 14th Feb - Sheringa to Port Lincoln

Well I’m glad there is not too much to see between Sheringa and Lincoln, we might actually get there today.   One of the couples we met at cricket, Robyn and Kym told us to call in for some eggs and veggies on our way past, so we did.   Eggs, toms, cucs, shallots and they wouldn’t take any money for – really nice people, raising their grandkids in the country after their daughter passed  away a few years back.  They have a mad dog, a goat, chooks and geese, living in a house built 1905, solid as.
A different form of bricklaying, Drystone Walling seen a lot of properties in this area

Yep that's our camp amongst the dunes at Sheringa Beach

Port Lincoln from Winter Hill lookout
We had a drive by Coffin Bay another little picturesque spot, yes with a jetty – lots of oyster beds in the bay.   We arrive at Lincoln mid arvo, settle in to the Port Lincoln Tourist Park for a few nights.   Yay I have service, (it’s been a while) will be able to get blog updated here I hope.   A nice spot by the bay, there’s probably a jetty down there somewhere but haven’t checked it out yet.   Did the tourist drive, reported in to our folks – fish and salad for tea and a movie.   Port Lincoln - boasts the largest fishing fleet in the southern hemisphere - is home of the famous horse Makybe Diva statue (Lincoln being the hometown of owner Tony Santic) - reportedly has more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in Australia.
Go Darl!  You're on a winner..
A glimpse of the fishing fleet

Wheat/grain also big in this area and exported from Lincoln port

A gloomy morning when we left, note the sun spots on the water.....

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