Monday 27 February 2012

23rd Feb - Coober to Port Augusta

The weather is starting to heat up again so we try to make an early start, we get away by 8am to hit the road.   Not really looking forward to this drive back.    We have seen several bicycle riders coming out and back along the Stuart Highway, they have to be mad, there is no other word for it.    We go have a look at Woomera – the largest land-based missile and rocket range in the western world.  In the 60’s the largest “Europa” rocket to be launched there was 32 metres high and 105 tonnes. 
Houston we have lift off!

All these toys and my Darl can't play, security survellience
It was just after lunch time when we called back into Spud’s roadhouse, we had lunch under our shelter and decided to cut for Port Augusta 170kms down the track.   Just watch the speed limit signs Darl as we head back into the big smoke!  We booked into Shoreline Top Tourist park by the Spencer Gulf waters.

We catch here up with our friends, Ken and Roseanne who helped us out back on the Nullarbor when we broke down.  This place is like a little fortress with 2 metre high fence with barbed wire and security gates locked at 9.30pm.    We find out there is good reason later that night when there is a raucous on the outside and someone’s out there banging on the fence, dogs are barking…….this could be a good stay.
Our little chateau.... all tucked in

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