Friday 17 February 2012

10th - 11th Haslam to Sheringa

We got away by check out time today, 10am and we are heading for Port Lincoln about 330kms south of Haslam.    We had a drive by look and a pit stop at Streaky Bay a nice little spot with a jetty and we cruise on.  Not far along I spot the Murphy’s Haystacks a photo point, so we head off to take a look, a free camp ground here also.    Darl mentioned last nite about a look at Point Labatt where sea lions can be spotted, turns out this is about 40kms from the Haystacks, so we figure may as well take a look.  It is a good dirt road until the last 17kms which is a bit corrugated, here we go again, I really really hope there is some sea lions out here…..and there was, it was awesome.   Sea lions and also NZ fur seals basking in the sun on the rocks and beach, I lost count after 50. Some little calves feeding, we watched them from the cliffs above for a while.
Mmmm interesting road signs in SA, explain that one to the kids

Murphy's Haystacks, an interesting place

Point Labatt - home to one of the largest breeding colonies of Australian Sea Lions

Cliff top lookout, 50 metres above the sea lion haven
By the time we got back on the road, it was after 12 – wonder how far we will get today.  We filled up at Port Kenny, no one in the van park there and took a look at Venus Bay, yep this is where everyone is, a very pretty little bay.   As we were getting to Elliston, we notice a scenic tourist cliff drive, about 6kms long so take a detour to do this.   Well worth the diversion and this drive leads back to the township, a very clean, friendly place.  We had a pit stop at the pub, grabbed some take aways and the barman recommended a stop at Sheringa, next roadhouse towards Port Lincoln.    By this time it is about 5pm so we had a couple drinks at the Sheringa roadhouse, heard about the cricket match (at the SCG) on next day out the back and thought that might be a good day out to hang around for. 
I almost need a new pair of thongs - cliff top drive Elliston

Another beautiful rugged coast line

Giddyup!  Who stole the horses??

Enjoying a refresher at Sheringa roadhouse
Sheringa Beach camp pretty basic, just loos but we manage to set up camp amongst the bushes – easy left overs for tea tonight.   This is a mad keen fishing spot, pity we don’t fish.  In the morning we decide to pack up, take a look at the cricket match and head off to Lincoln only 130kms to go.   After we went for a stroll along the beach, it was  midday so we decide to get a shower at the road house, go to the cricket and stay another night. 
Yes I have taken to photographing seaweed/kelp now

Sheringa was a bird haven, here the prints followed by fox prints, they need shooting!
Darl too slow to snap my star jump, maybe I didn't jump high enough?  We love the dunes
What a great afternoon, met lots of friendly locals – it so happened it was the 100th anniversary year for the match, first back in 1912.    Money raised goes to local charity.  After cricket match then started the horizontal bungy, the hay stack roll, the 3 legged races, etc.  Lots of activities for the kids too, they had a pool to swim in, watermelon eating comp.  We only managed to watch the horizontal bungy and called it a day about 6 o’clock, we had to find our way back to camp…
Settling in at the SCG bar
I haven't seen one of these before, always a first.....

The grand Grandstand
Great crowd, great weather, great day out!

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