Monday 27 February 2012

24th/27th Feb - Port Augusta

Port Augusta is referred to as “the crossroads of Australia” because roads from Sydney to Perth and Adelaide to Darwin pass through here.  We had a “catch up” day on Friday and went out with Roseanne and Ken to the West Augusta Footy club for a cheapie dinner,  a few drinks and some laughs. Very popular Thurs/Fri night for dinner put on by volunteers, the place was packed.   We made sure we were home by curfew and there was no commotions tonight, thankfully.
View from our camp - Spencer Gulf, Rail, Flinders Ranges
We booked in for 3 nights here to Sunday.  Our neighbours promptly told us when we were setting up that we are in “flood” corner.  What’s the weather forecast?  Rain next week, all sweet we will be gone by then.   My Darl took the ute in to get a rattle fixed, he was gone all morning, that got me worried, on his return told me he had to book car in on Monday to get the radiator and engine mountings fixed, uh oh.  We extend our stay for another 2 nights.
View of Port Augusta from Watertank Tower
Sunday we decide to take the Suzi for a spin in the country, out to Quorn – Wilmington – Alligator Gorge – Hancock’s Lookout – Horrocks Pass back to Pt Augusta.   It’s going to be another stinker hot day, we travel through the Flinders Ranges – awesome scenery, but I find it a bit difficult taking photos along the way from the back of the bike.  I know it might sound a bit corny, but we found Quorn quite quaint!  The streets are lined with old stone cottages, all the shops look like the originals, built in late 1800’s/early 1900’s and there is 4 pubs in this small town.  You gotta wonder if they all make a good living.  
The Emporium included Men's Mercery and Ironmongery??? Today a cafe with old wares for sale
One of the four old pubs, we too early - open at 11am
Wilmington, now that was a different little town, one of those main street is the highway through town.  For such a small place they have 3 museums here, the Toy Museum, the Sansouci Puppet Museum and not sure what the other was it is only opened when the guy comes back from mining out at Roxby Downs.  We rang the bell of the run down looking Puppet Museum, I peered through the shop front, to see a guy coming out, in black t-shirt, track pants, unshaven and scruffy looking, I said to Darl could be interesting…..and it was.   He did kinda wreak of alcohol too.
Countryside between Quorn and Wilmington
Brian had these two doing the jive...
For a gold coin donation, (pommy) Brian showed us through his collection of some 1000+ puppets including marionettes and ventriloquist dummies.  Brian learnt his craft after a stroke, he helped a fellow patient in hospital with his puppet show to the sick children and he was hooked.   He also found it great therapy in his recovery.  It’s amazing how the puppets come to life with the right touch.  We had a little play with the puppets afterwards, we probably could have had a big play, but time was pressing.
Guess which one the dummy?!  The left, the left.....
A few familiar faces
Darl's favorites - the Devil and Popeye!
Next stop was Alligator Gorge – 28km round trip from Wilmington.    We are enjoying the ride, my Darl especially – the roads are windy but the road to the gorge is also very very hilly, I thought something was up when my Darl got head rattle and the old girl seemed to be struggling and she was….  No worries we got there okay and then take the 250 steps down into the gorge floor we did about 1.5 kms walk then had to walk back UP the steps…
It's been a while since we have done a gorge....

There was only one thing for it a cold drink back at the Wilmington pub.   The barmaid gave a funny look and a nervous like laugh, when we told her we had been to the puppet museum.    On the way back to Port Augusta via Hancock’s Lookout and Horrocks pass, I didn’t like the look of the weather, it was extremely windy – Darl had a time keeping the bike on the road, it looked hazy or rainy, couldn’t work it out.  Turns out it was a dust storm, there had been two willies through the park but our camp was okay.
Hancock's Lookout - Overlooking the gulf, Port Pirie and Port Augusta
The road here 7kms of rough dirt
We got back just as it started raining and we are in flood corner, what to do??  It was only a light shower but continual.  Old mate groundsman come over to let us know if it keeps up we will be sitting in about a foot of water….  My Darl said he wasn’t moving, I said we better not flood then, how about you go over and clean out the debris from the water drain…..  he did only to find a tyre! in there – that may contribute to the problem just a little.   The water was headed our way but thankfully the rain stopped, I only hope it doesn’t rain until after we leave on Tuesday.
Travelling through Horrocks Pass
Monday, my Darl goes to put the car into the garage – he’s gone a while, took the pushie to ride home so did the scenic thing around town.   He gets back and tells me how the guy at the garage asked if the ute had been driven over dirt roads, my Darl, I don’t know why he thought he could pull it off, but innocently says Nooo!   Come with me the guy says and proceeds to show Darl the nice sandblasted under side of the car which should be painted black, but it’s not…..  Then he couldn’t do naught but fess up.   And that probably happened on our trip to the Cape way back when.    NO MORE DIRT ROADS FOR THE UTE!!     We’re off to Wilpena Pound tomorrow, steering clear of Adelaide for a week while the Clipsal in on.   PS: Don't forget you can double click on pics for bigger view....
The Wilmington pub

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