Tuesday 14 February 2012

6th to 8th Feb - last days on the Nullarbor

Packing up in the morning, we decide to give Fowlers a miss as the weather is pretty crappy, windy, raining and dark storm clouds and it’s a 50kms dirt road in/out there.    We re set our clocks yesterday to SA time and with daylight saving we are all out of whack.   It doesn’t get dark till 9pm and we find we don’t wake up till 9am??    Cruising along we pass the 2nd turn off to Fowler and it’s bitumen, we decide to give it a go – the last 15kms is dirt, corros but we get there and this place is amazing.    We booked in for one but stayed for 2.  The neighbors told us about Scott Beach so we did an outing over there.  Ken and Roseanne also turned up, I think they are following us! 
Humungai sand dunes, that's my Darl WAY over there...

Darl relaxing with Brutus, the resident pooch

Fowlers main drag, won't be long before the sand dunes swallow a couple houses

On the cliffs at Scott Beach
On Scott Beach
We set the alarm for 7am as today is book out day, we have to get going by 10am.  Woke to the alarm, looked outside, nah way too early – finally dragged ourselves out by 8.15am, had brekky, said our “see you down the track” to Ken and Roseanne and we managed to get going by 11am.   We are doing the last holes of the Nullarbor links today, 1 at Penong and 2 at Ceduna.   Our neighbors at Fowlers, Val and Doug told us about Haslam camp ground so after a look around Ceduna, the Nullarbor completed, we decide to head to Haslam for the night.   I rate the Wave Zone across the Nullarbor at about 70% response rate, not that bad, not that good either, it doesn’t cost anything for a wave!
Tee off at Penong, a ripper hit from Darl

The golf hole at Penong aptly named Windmill

That was just a practice swing hey Darl - 1st hole at Ceduna

Darl's gone off his game, I have too a little - final hole at Ceduna

Who invented these lovely black, corrugated, oiled sand putting greens??  19th hole is closed......bummer

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