Thursday 31 May 2012

28th May - We're off to Marlborough

We're heading south now, we've done the Bruce Highway a number of times, so we decide to give the old highway a go this time, from Sarina to Marlborough.   Cal reckoned the Marlborough pub was great for camping out back and a good feed.   We asked a few people what this road was like, they all used the same word.  It's pretty "undulating"??    At the servo in Mackay when we filled up, a bloke in next bay got chatting, reckoned he and his missus set off from Brisbane a month ago and had unexpected $10000 car expenses (out of the $14000 for their 6 month trip).  He's looking for a job now in Mackay....

Goes to show when we think you got it tough there is always someone out there doing it tougher, at least it took us 11 months to do $10000 on the car.    Quite a few big properties on this stretch along with mountain ranges.   Here's the Lotus Creek Roadhouse, we are amazed it is still going.   Due to short staff they are closed between 7 and 9am and 2 and 4pm.  Caravan and camping ground out back had one van in for the night.  

A lot of creek crossings on this road and all those people were right, it is  pretty undulating in places.    I like that word I might use it again.  We have also heard from some travellers that road works south of Rocky are horrendous, so much so adding 2-3 hours to a trip to Mackay.  Another good reason to stay off the Bruce as much as possible.    Not much traffic out this way which is always a good thing.    
The things you find in the middle of nowhere.    Croydon Commemorative Park - 1956 Olympic Torch Relay.   On 12th November 1956 under unique conditions, the combined dedication and determination of torch bearers, convoy officials, section organisers and the communities of Mackay, St Lawrence and Rockhampton ensured the transfer of the Olympic flame from Mackay section (H. Rasmussen) to Rockhampton section (P.F. Ryan) on its journey to Olympic stadium in Melbourne.   There you go!
Getting late in the day and there was some roo kill on this stretch of road, we did see one live target on the road, so it was good to finally get to Marlborough.   We only left Mackay at lunch time so Marlborough worked out well for an overnighter.  The camp ground out the back of the pub is very spacious, quite a few travellers pull up for the night.   A bit of a mix, a few vans a couple camper trailers, an A-Van, a 4WD tent and a couple of swags camped out.  
It was only $5 a head for the camp, no power available, but we got hot showers and dunnies.  The grub at the pub was pretty good too.  $14 for rissoles, chips and vegies - we shared the meal and it was more than enough for two.   The walls are adorned with signatures of happy travellers and visitors.   Next morning a flock of ducks flew over heading north for the winter, I managed a couple of pics - there must have been 50 or more fly over, awesome sight.
We did a bike ride around town, didn't take long as it is only a small town.  It does have all the facilities here though including a primary school, cop shop, ambo service etc.    This is part of a pretty huge rock they have on display in the Lions Park.   This is an example of chrysoprase seaming.  Chrsoprase is a gemstone variety of chalcedony that contains smalll quantities of nickel.  It has been a valued gem since antiquity worn by Cleopatra and Alexander the Great and other famous figures.  Today, it is still a highly sort after gem on the international markets.   
This would have to be one of the smallest lock ups in Australia.    Not a bad country setting, looked like they have a big exercise yard next door.   Though one would imagine it doesn't get used much these days, but then again you never know.  We can recommend a stopover at the Marlborough pub. The mural on the front wall is that of the famous rodeo bull "Chainsaw".  The most famous Brahman Bull in Australian Rodeo history is Chainsaw. He had an expansive career of over 10 years on the circuit. Being one of the toughest and roughest bulls to ride, only nine cowboys were ever successful on Chainsaw.
Chainsaw won Australia’s Bull of the year a world record of eight times from 1987 to 1994 becoming a legend in rodeo and bull riding circuit around Australia.   Chainsaw had a unique a powerful bucking style that was hard to track and predict and even though Chainsaw was not a large bull, these abilities made it difficult for cowboys to ride.   Cowboys tried to study Chainsaw movements without success, Chainsaw had the ability to shift direction and do whatever it takes to throw the rider to the ground.   Chainsaw was notorious for a sideways jump with all four feet out to one side and turning back to the right all at the same time.
 This manoeuvre was almost impossible for left handed cowboys and made it difficult to anticipate the next move. With each successful buck, Chainsaw has an added personality by taking a swipe at the failed cowboy and charge to the middle of the pit before doing a victory lap in front of a chanting crowd.  A minute silence was given to Chainsaw when he passed, this reflected the respect he had received from the Rodeo Crowds and Cowboys. Today there has been no other Bull that has matched this famous King Brahman Bull.   Yeehah to Chainsaw!!

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