Friday 25 May 2012

20th to 25th May - Mackay

My Darl still working on the car, not sure what is going on here, wheels off, under the car, those ramps have come in real handy.  It wasn't until the last month or so that we have actually used them to level up the trailer.....yep all that way and we have spend some lop sided nights.   The weather ain't half bad here, showers of rain from time to time and minimums of 16-17 deg - this is nice autumn weather, not long for winter now.

Mum's got a great photo calendar on the wall featuring Jack, some great photos, couldn't help myself to take some photos of the photos.  This is one of my favorites.   Jack come to visit with his nana and grandad - full of questions, or just one WHY??

The time is flying here - my Darl got in and destroyed an old aviary come fernery out back here for dad.   The hardest work he has done in the last 11 months.   Feeling a bit sore and a bit of bark off, we went out to Sarina for the night with Cath, Cal and Pat (Cath's mum).  Pat has a great home on a hill with a beautiful view, only trouble was it was raining heavily in morning so didn't get to take any pics of this.  Here's Cath out front of the house her and Cal are renovating before moving in.   A cosy 1 bedroom cottage, over 100 years old.

Heading home from Sarina we take a back road, through the cane fields and come across this old pub - the General Gordon built in 1886, presently owned by two sisters, Michelle and Estelle.  It was a rainy, windy, cold wintery day today.   Had a couple drinks here with the cheeky locals.   We saw a photo on the wall here, of one we took at our friends at Tom Price, a pic of a snake swallowing a wallaby from the side of a gorge at Karajini - only it was labelled here as being from Winjana Gorge?.....Now I'm confused.  A coat of paint wouldn't go astray here.

The cane crushing season starts on Monday 28th May.   We're starting to see signs of this with the empty bins all lined up at the sidings, locos going past the back of the folks place, some small patches of cane already harvested, probably to give the mills a run before the full onset.  This pic of Racecourse mill and sugar refinery.  Up until several years ago farmers burnt the cane before harvesting, it used to be a real spectacle, but they stopped burning due to environmental reasons.  I used to love catching the cane blacks when I was a kid.
Oh here's my Darl again, now he's got the compressor out blowing the red dust out of the car.... like I said if anyone can do it my Darl can.  He must be getting close after working on the car for the past 10 days or so.  This week he has also painted the under side of the car, it doesn't have that sandblasted look any more.  Also pleased to report the tent is holding up well with all this rain, no leaks to speak of.
We joined some friends at the Shamrock pub in town to watch the SOO match on Wednesday night.   My Darl volunteered to drive so I enjoyed a few drinks with Maree, Sid and others.  Another win to us!!

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