Friday 25 May 2012

19th May - Mackay

Happy Birthday to me!!   Decided to have a few friends over for tea and a few drinks.   Managed to prize dad's car out of the shed so we could set up in there.   Dad, Steve and Ann hooking in to the feast.   Note the snake skin hanging from a beam in the shed, there was another one close by.   Pleased to report no live sightings on the night.  

My best mate from school Cath and Cal, enjoying a few drinks and camping the night.

Mum and dad waiting for their sweets.   Compliments of mum, she whipped up a couple of tasty tarts, caramel and a family favorite Frangipani pie.  
It's handy having a clock on the wall, we can keep track of the time..... more importantly dad knows when it's morning tea and lunch time in his daily routine.  The girls from left Glenys, moi, Cath, Andrea and Maree.

Ian hasn't changed over the years, still noddin' off after one too many rumbos, but it might have something to do with the huge handle glass I gave him.   BIG glass, BIG drink! 

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