Monday 4 June 2012

29th - 30th May Agnes Water-1770

We're off to visit Jimmy and Tracy today at Agnes Waters.   We have heard about horrendous roadworks south of Rocky so not really looking forward to that.   I took a few drive by shots through Rocky as we not stopping here.    This is the town of Brahman bulls, this bull on the southern roundabout exit.   There is several of these statues throughout - most still have their manhood in tact, I think they made their balls detachable as they keep disappearing, bit of a trophy for some people, probably those who attach bulls balls to their towbars??

There looks like some nice little pub stops along the way through to Miriamvale where we turn off to Agnes.   Raglan Tavern, Bororen Pub along the highway.  The roadworks kicked in at Mount Larcom and apparently continue right through to Childers.   From here on we are pretty much staying off the Bruce Highway.    We reckon the Bruce is a bit "undulating" in places also.   Throughout our travels of the last 11 or so months, the most roadworks we have come across have been in NSW and QLD - what does that tell you.  We got to Jimmy and Tracy's, checked out their little patch and went off for wood fired pizza at a little restaurant down the road.   A few drinkies that night and the next day Jim and Tracy took us out for a bit of a sightsee around.  We drove through the towns of Agnes and 1770 out to the lookout point.   Some nice views and seaside landscapes from here.   It's good to get out and explore, we haven't done for a while.
Here's my Darl, Jim and Tracy on one side of the lookout point.    1770 was named by James Cook when he and his crew came ashore here on 24th May 1770.   The town holds a re enactment of the landing and a festival every May, yep we just missed it, was on the week-end.   We seem to have a knack of just missing out on festivals or events around towns.  We either too early or too late.......  Agnes Water was named after a schooner that disappeared without a trace in 1873.  
Another view of the beautiful foreshore around the lookout point.  1770 is now the only coastal departure point for many reef trip operators and fishing charters tot he Southern Great Barrier Reef.    Agnes is popular for surfing also.   The twin towns has been hyped as being the "New Noosa"  - I guess a lot of the locals would not like to hear that, but they reckon the untouched natural surroundings and the absence of commercialisation will keep the area popular for visitors and residents.   

Along the esplanade at 1770 - the worst house in the best street, up for sale and would probably be going for a motza.   We pulled up here for a refreshment at The Tree Bar, overlooking the bay.    I lost count of the number of boats in the water.   

Different - an ATM in the loos!!
Along the beach at Flat Rock

Middle Rock
We went for a bit of 4WDing in Jimmy's car - we are giving the ute a rest today.  Over the sandy track into Deepwater National Park.  First stop was Flat Rock, though the water was just covering the rock, it is ledge the length of the beach, it creates a chanel when the tide is out, they fish off the rock and swim in the chanel.  Didn't ask about sharks but there mustn't be any.  Next stop was Middle Rock, went for a stroll along the beach up to the rocks.   It's a windy day and the seas pretty choppy, love watching the waves crash in.
There is bush camping at Middle Rock.  Looks pretty protected and a little isolated feeling from the real world which is nice.   There was no one else around apart from the ranger chainsawing a tree off a path.    Jimmy found a coconut and stuck it in this branch lodged in the beach, it tickled his fancy, something about a mate of Tom's in the movie Castaways, it had a name but I forgot it and we haven't seen the movie so didn't know really what Jim was talkin' bout....maybe you will know.   

The track going out of Deepwater - we were merrily bouncing away in the back seat, my Darl and me.  Tracy Was hangin' on and so was I.  
A flower at Flat Rock

A flower at Middle Rock

The biggest Brommy I have seen in Tracy's garden
Their pooch, Shanti, loves playing with Lexie up the hill

We enjoyed our stay with Jimmy and Tracy and having a look around this place as we hadn't been here before.  Liked the feel of the place, the communities bigger than I thought but still have that real beachy feel.   Hope it doesn't get like Noosa.    My Darl and Jimmy yakking on over a farewell drink.   We look forward to coming back and having a go at fishing next time.   Jim and Tracy know all the good fishing spots......

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