Tuesday 8 May 2012

1st to 5th May - Burringbar

We are meeting Janice (met in NT) for lunch at Byron Bay so went via Lennox Head.  We had a little set back when we went over a big speed bump, probably a little faster than we should and the trailer fell off the car!!!  The safety chain worked real well and we managed to get the trailer back on the tow ball BUT, the Anderson plug snapped in half.   So it was back to Ballina to get some electrical connectors.   This set us back a bit and we didn’t get to Byron till way after 12.   

Pat Moreton Lookout at Lennox Heads

We are here to do the furtherest eastern point of Australia Mainland at the Cape Byron light house. There were several hang gliders in the sky, always good to watch. It is a buzz, Darl and I did that in NZ a few years back. Met Janice at the pub for lunch – it was great to catch up, hard to get a park around Byron. The place is crazy with people. 

Now we have been the furtherest north, the furtherest east and the furtherest we could possibly go west and south of Australian mainland.

Cape Byron Lighthouse - it's an icon

Got to Razz and Lee’s (+ Flynn and Jasmin) about 5 o’clock, they have a pretty steep access to their property and it’s been raining.    Water over the causeway then up the hill – a bit muddy due to some recent works on the block, we kind of slipped and slided a little, I just looked straight ahead, I didn’t want to know what my Darl was doing to keep us on the road, later he reckoned the trailer was swinging around a bit, at least it stayed on I suppose a good thing right?    Lucky it was only the lower part which was bad, once we got over that we managed to get up no worries…..A few drinks were had that night.
This causeway has seen some floods come and go...

We made it up the top, it was raining on and off, so we decided to leave the ute where she lay.  The ground is volcanic red soil, it kinda sticks like glue.....

The Bali hut with a proper shingle roof and magic views

   Razz and Lee have to work and the kids, Jasmin and Flynn at school so we had a quiet day, veging out.   We went for a walk down the hill, not long ago the creek was flooded right up over the road.     Another beautiful patch of paradise in the hinterland of Northern NSW.   They run about 20 head of cattle here and have some macadamia nuts happening, selling them by the tonne.  I love macadamia's, forgot to grab a handful when we left, bugger.....
Great set of horns!!

Another view of the property - we've been here before and had a tour of the block - the creek is a neverending supply of water with a freshwater spring on the property.    We didn't do a creek walk this time but it is another little piece of paradise down there...... there might be leeches too!!

The entrance to the property, look at my Darl, what a poser!  

Thursday we had an outing over to the coast to catch up with a couple we haven’t seen for a while……  It was great to see Audrey and George, we met at Twin Towns RSL, had a couple drinks, lunch then decided to book in for the night.  It was one of those spontaneous things, we didn’t bring any extra clothes, toiletries.  Now this is very, very familiar territory, it’s a bit weird being so close to home.   Twin Towns certainly is a happening place.   They have some great acts coming up and today they had old time dancing (we were a little tempted to get up and give it a go) followed by line dancing (very entertaining the gals had the gear on – hats and cowbee boots’n all) then in the evening an 8 piece band playing quite good also.
Which is it Darl - NSW or QLD??? 

Here's a happy couple now, George and Audrey - they were right chuffed to see their No.1 son and No.1 Ling!    We were pretty happy to see them also and guess what, it just didn't seem like it has been over 10 months since we've seen them.   We did have a little flutter on the pokies but no luck came to any of us this time.

Audrey with the Great J O'K - you still got it!!

The mouth of the Tweed, view from our room

After brekky with the folks, we headed back to the farm Friday and just beat a heavy downpour, the driveway still a bit dodgy but we got up okay today, with no trailer behind.   Razz got my Darl out working on Saturday helping him put a roof on a shed….. the chores are never ending around the farm.      We’re the lucky ones to have so many friends with farms, it’s been great catching up with them all along the way.   Lee got home from work so  we all jumped in her car and went down to the local club for a couple quiet drinks and a couple games of pool doubles, which Darl and I were graceful in defeat.    Another great stay thanks Razz and Lee, see you in Alex Hills soon....

I like this lizard, it's at the gate of a property near Burringbah on way to Razz and Lee's - apparently it was a earthy colour till vandals got to it and painted it pink.....the owner then painted it orange, a chameleon (?) of sorts. 

Here's a go, my Darl with the work boots on, doing a bit of supervising here.....with Razz and Flynn, getting the roof put on the shed which is going to be used for fire wood storage (I think).  Another magic day today, just have to watch where one steps as there's a few land  mines around here, very fresh ones too they are.

The last of the roof going on, what's your step Darl, you don't want to go slippin' off the edge there.  A good morning's work and it was on and secured......in a fashion.  

A beautiful moon shot through the clouds......awesome

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