Tuesday 15 May 2012

6th May - Heading West!!

Through Cunningham's Gap
On the road again – we headed north to Brisbane……I don’t like this Darl, we’re getting too close to home, he agreed and with that we threw a lefty at Beenleigh and headed westward (Phew that was close!).    It was a magic sunny day, we headed out through Cunningham’s Gap to Warwick.     As we got away a little later this morning we decided to pull into the van park here for the night and this will give me some time to get the blog updated as we haven’t had much service of late.
Sunset Warwick

I spent the afternoon doing as much as I could on the blog and my Darl entertained himself over at the camp kitchen watching the races, then the news, then Dancing with the Stars….  It’s going to be a chilly night tonight I can feel it in the air, I checked on the net and the weather forecast was for 6 deg minimum tonight.  I told Darl and he reckoned it was 0 deg here yesterday and it’s going to be the same tomorrow morning according to the news report on telly.   Gees!  I packed my ugg boots away down the back of the trailer, no retrieving them now….  

Truck load of screamers!  Get a bit of pork on your fork!!
We had a quiet stay at Warwick, there were a couple of strange bods staying in the park, probably a good thing we are moving on.   I was just doing a bit more on the blog in the morning before we had to pack up and I heard this blood curdling screaming noise, what the hell was that??   On investigation it was a truck load of pigs….off to the markets I presume.   We packed up and on our way headed to Goondiwindi, it’s another public holiday today in Qld so probably won’t find too much open anywhere.
Just what we like close to camp kitchen and amenities....

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