Friday 11 November 2011

9th Nov - Cape Range National Park

It is blowing 35 km gusts here at present.  We were thinking of camping out Cape National Park but didn't fancy getting sand in our cracks.....of our tent!    So we do a day trip instead, $11 entry and we rapt when a family of emus crossed our path, there were at least 6 chicks and we thought mum, but apparently the mums just lay the eggs then nick off.   It's the dad that sits on the nest and brings the little fellows up.   Good on you Dad!  We couldn't get an accurate head count cause the little fellows move too quick.

We head down to the end of the bitumen road, Yardie Creek.  Past here is 4WD country only and sandy all the way.   There is several camp options along the 50km stretch of coast each with their own camp host, but only toilets available, no showers, electricity etc.  
We set out to do the Yardie Creek gorge walk, takes a little over an hour along the ridge, with a couple of gullies in between.    We have seen so much spinifex along the way, but I didn't know it flowered this little purple flower, pretty but the spinifex is prickly as if you brush up against it.
I've never met anyone who loves climbing as much as my Darl.    He loves living on the edge!  This is where the ranges meet the sea literally.  There is warning signs everywhere, don't go near the edge for risk of crumbling rocks etc.  I just tell Darl if he slips and falls to be sure to throw the back pack up for me so I at least have food and water for the rest of the journey.....  We see one black footed rock wallaby here.

We had a bit of a wander on Yardie Creek beach then continue back up the road to Pilgonaman Creek.  (Opposite Pilgramunna Camp) - here we travel a narrow dirt rocky hilly road, yep this is 4WD road, to get to the entrance of the creek gorge.    It is a dry creek gorge and we walk for about an hour in search of the little black footed rock wallabies.  We find quite a few in here, in the shade of the rock walls.   Yep my Darl had to do another rock climb, he nearly had an accident when a rock wallaby jumped out at him!  Two in the centre of this pic, double click to get the enlarged version.

From there we went to check out Turquoise Bay - they have a drift pool there for snorkellers, though my Darl opted not to give it a go, as it was very windy, choppy and he didn't want to risk drifting our to sea.   But the water was picture perfect.  We ran into our neighbours from Broome, Nina and Ash, they were soaking it up, snorkelling.   We then checked out the Milyering Visitor Centre in the Park, very informative and great displays.   Foxes, wild cats, goats are all problems in this park and they have laid 1080 baits to help erradicate the problem.  The native animals apparently are immune to these baits. 

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