Friday 11 November 2011

10th Nov - Exmouth West Coast

Unbeknown to us, Exmouth has a RAAF base.  In the mid 60's the Naval Communication Base was established (in agreement between Australia and USA) and renamed Naval Communication station Harold E Holt in honour of the late Prime Minister.   Today it continues to play vital role in secure operation of Aust submarine fleet.  US Navy also maintains involvement through continued use of the VLF communcation and they contribute to operational and upgrades cost.  We notice AFP getting around town.  We think a bit of secret squirrel business goes on here.....

Not something we are used to seeing at lighthouse lookouts, this is a restored WWII relic, marking the site occupied by the RAAF air warning radar station in Feb 1943 for the defence of the USN naval base at Exmouth (Potshot) which operated until destroyed by cyclone in 1945.  This is a day to run into new acquaintances, Ash and Nina here again at the lookout.   Also met up with Tony and Lisa (Swiss couple) we keep bumping in to along our way.  Both these couples told us about the turtles at Trisel.  So we set of in search of them.

We didn't have to search far, as soon as we got onto the beach we set eyes on several large turtles beached up on the sand.  These are all females as they tend to beach themselves during the day to get away from the males, who just swim around off shore, waiting to pounce on the females when they get back into the water.....  Off shore we saw numerous turtles swimming about, we lost count of how many we saw.   We return later that night to watch the females nesting, it is awesome to see them digging their nesting holes.  On the way home lots of roos but we manage to avoid hitting any,thank goodness.

My Darl finds another mate, an emu wanders into the camping ground in search of water.   So my Darl obliges and can not help himself and gives the emu a slice of bread.   Poor emu had a struggle to get it down.  Darl! I am sure we shouldn't be feeding the emus, and I was right.  A notice in the tourist book clearly states all animals are wild and must not be fed by tourists.  Back at camp we run into Lyn and Bill, from Dampier (Melb Cup), staying here also, so we enjoy catching up and a couple of happy hours with them.

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